25 Unique Chemistry IA Ideas: Internal Assessment Topics
The Internal Assessment (IA) is a written piece of work that students need to complete for all their IB classes. In chemistry, the IA consists of an individual research project which allows the student to independently design and carry out an experiment whilst making both quantitative and qualitative observations (with the guidance of their teacher or tutor).
25 Unique Physics IA Ideas: Internal Assessment Topics
So let’s jump into what you are here for. Here is a list of 25 possible topics that serve as great physics IA ideas. To keep in mind, in a physics IA, you have two options, laboratory work or an essay, so the topic possibilities are far greater than just the list below.
25 History Internal Assessment Ideas
So let’s jump into what you are here for. Here is a list of 25 possible topics that serve as great history IA ideas. And keep in mind that in a history IA, it is more important to pick a topic that genuinely motivates you to display personal engagement than to pick a random historical event and just write the required 2200 words about it.
25 Mathematics Internal Assessment Ideas
So let’s jump into what you are here for. Here is a list of 25 possible topics that serve as great math IA ideas. And keep in mind that in a math IA, it is more important to pick a topic that genuinely motivates you to display personal engagement than to pick something that sounds harder but does not resonate with you.
25 Unique Biology Internal Assessment Ideas
So let’s jump into what you are here for. Here is a list of 25 possible topics that serve as great biology IA ideas. To keep in mind, in biology IA, you have two options, laboratory work or an essay, so the topic possibilities are far greater than just the list below.