25 Unique Biology Internal Assessment Ideas
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What is Internal Assessment
Your Internal Assessment (IA) is a project that you will have to complete in all your IB classes. The style and grade value depends on the subject. It is a project that you will work on with the guidance of your teacher (or your tutor). The great thing about the internal assessment is that it allows students to be flexible and to further research a topic that they find interesting within the given subject. As good as it sounds, generating IA topic ideas is not always easy and that’s why we decided to help you here with some unique biology IA idea, just read on!
What makes a good IA
A good IA should demonstrate your own interest of the topic. It should show that the student has learned and has been able to apply what they have learned. A good IA does not have to be a very complex and intricate piece of work. A clear research question, consistent structure, and clear personal engagement which demonstrates knowledge will earn the student a good grade.
So let’s jump into what you are here for. Here is a list of 25 possible topics that serve as great biology IA ideas. To keep in mind, in biology IA, you have two options, laboratory work or an essay, so the topic possibilities are far greater than just the list below.
25 Unique Biology IA Ideas
Mitosis: Calculate the Mitotic Index in onions and garlic
How do different household products affect plant growth
Effect of different types of contamination of plants
Testing salt tolerance on plants
The effect of different variables on fruit and vegetable decay
Hereditary effect of Parkinson
How does different fruit ripen based on the temperature
Ethics in Stem Cell Research
The impact of energy drinks on the heart rate and blood pressure after exercise
Comparing reaction time with certain stimuli with age
Measuring the amount of vitamin C in fruit and comparing it to fruit juices
Effect of antibiotics on growth and germination of seeds
What is the ideal environment for photosynthesis
Effect of global warming on the human body
Essay about the ethics in human cloning
Effects of different types of toothpaste
The effect of sucrose concentration of the rate of respiration in yeast
The effects of sugar on teeth health (use an egg as tooth imitation)
Research on DNA modification and its possibilities
Are GMOs (genetically modified foods) safe?
GMOs decay time
Biology of bipolarity or schizophrenia
Effects of steroids on the human body
Effect of climate change on biodiversity
Impact of certain brain injuries
To think about before you choose
If your school does not have a lot of lab equipment and space, we would recommend doing either a research project or a simple lab experiment like plant contamination. Additionally, make sure that you can connect these topics to a broader issue that you discussed at length in class. For example, most of the projects on this list containing anything about contamination or decay can be easily be related to broader topic of global warming.
Still Struggling?
No worries, our tutors are here to help. Whether you would like to consult what topic to choose or need additional help with setting up the structure of your IA, Think Smart Tutoring can help you. Just sign-up here for our tutoring services and we’ll contact you shortly to set-up the first introductory session.