Our IB Courses will massively help you improve your IB scores.
Improve your IB Grades and secure a place at the highest-ranking universities. Sign up now for our IB courses now.
Think Smart IB Tutors are the most qualified in the industry at offering first rate tutoring to International Baccalaureate students.
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Succeed in IB Program thanks to our IB Courses
Struggling to grasp concepts? Our IB tutors know the challenges students face first-hand. We’re here to support you with comprehensive guides on all subjects including IB Math, IB English and many more.
and many other courses…
We’ll even match you with the right tutor based on your specific needs.
Why consider IB Courses in the first place?
Our data shows that students who receive IB tuition outperform their untutored peers and experience less academic stress.
One-on-one IB tutoring is significantly more effective than textbooks and study guides. Especially true for younger ages!
We’ll guide you to great grades in less time. It’s common to see successful IB students thrive in the IB as a result of long-term tutoring.
Feel more confident and prepared after just one session!
Happy alumni award us a 4.9 on Google
What does an IB tuition session look like?
An online IB tutoring session typically involves a qualified tutor conducting a one-on-one 1-hour class with the student through a video conferencing platform like Zoom or Google Meets.
The session begins with a warm welcome and establishing a rapport with the student.
The tutor assesses the student's current knowledge and sets specific goals for the lesson.
Interactive teaching methods are employed, including visual aids, hands-on activities, and discussions, to ensure active engagement with the material.
The tutor regularly checks the student's understanding and addresses any questions or concerns.
Practice opportunities are provided for the student to apply the learned skills, such as games, worksheets, quizzes, or other activities.
The tutor offers feedback and encouragement, addressing any remaining queries. The goals set at the beginning of the lesson are reviewed to assess progress.
To reinforce learning, the tutor assigns homework or practice activities for the student to complete before the next session.
Get started with an IB tutor earlier to increase your chances of success.
We care about your future beyond the IB
We’re all IB alumni here at Think Smart - we know the pressures you’re facing firsthand. As overwhelming as it may be, we’ll help you turn that stress into excitement for the future.
The International Baccalaureate program is more robust than ever before. IB students all over the world are realizing that help from an IB tutor is a game changer.
Getting started with tutoring as early as possible helps them avoid catching up later in the course.
We’re expanding to accommodate for that demand, so make sure to find your tutor before we’re fully booked.
Whether it’s online, or in person face-to-face, we offer flexible scheduling and affordable long term subscriptions plans.
🥇 9 out of 10 Think Smart students reach their goals
📝 We provide you with past IB papers training
🏆 All of our tutors are IB alumni
💵 100% refund guaranteed if you are not satisfied
📚 All topics are covered by Think Smart tutors

The university of your dreams is within reach. Our IB Tutors are already there.
We can help you pass your IB Exam the way we helped thousands of our students.
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success rate
years of experience