May 2024 IB Exams Leaked - Will IB Students Have to Resit Exams?

If you’re an IB student facing the final IB exam weeks, chances are you’ve received an email from staff informing you about the current speculation of ‘leaked IB exams’.

Is it true then? Have the 2024 IB final exams actually been leaked?

And, if so, what will happen to IB students and their scores if exams have been shared?  Will results be downgraded? Will there be a retake?

Before we answer these questions, a quick disclaimer:  

As a legitimate IB tutoring company, we do not facilitate or condone academic dishonesty in any way, shape, or form.  We firmly believe in supporting a fair learning environment in which students practice academic integrity according to the IB guidelines, fomenting a sense of confidence and self-worth.

So, Which IB exams were leaked?

As of now, despite whatever salacious info has been shared by redditting IB students and headline chasing news outlets, the official statement issued by the IBO is generally vague, but clear as far as answering the burning question of whether or not final IB exams will be downgraded or retaken:

“To date, there is no evidence of widespread cheating and we are confident that this activity remains at the fringes of what is otherwise a standard exam session.”

Seems as though there will be no downgrading, no resits, and everything will proceed as planned for now.

When it comes to the alleged leaks however, contrary to what you may have heard through the grapevine, according to the IBO there haven’t actually been any so-called ‘IB final exam leaks’, but rather a few rogue IB students engaging in what’s referred to as ‘time zone cheating’.

Time zone cheating is when students who took their final IB exams in the first IB exam time zone attempt to memorize, and then later share test questions with the next two IB exam time zones.

This sharing usually takes place via encrypted platforms, such as Telegram, under an anonymous basis and is dodgy at best.

Don’t Fall for the Leaked IB Exam Scams

Whether or not claims of widespread IB exam leaks reach major news outlets, the reality of the matter is that similar rumors circulate every single year.

As with every exam, across every curriculum and country, there will always be instances of academic dishonesty.

Students who are under extreme pressure may stumble upon, or even actively search for, leaked IB exam answers or papers in hopes of potentially purchasing an IB Diploma-saving cheat sheet.

The harsh truth is that these supposedly leaked IB exams and papers are almost always illegitimate and fraudulent in nature; scammers abound, and will jump at any opportunity to prey on desperate students willing to risk losing everything in hopes of buying their way to a couple extra points.

Please do not, under any circumstance, no matter how dire you feel your IB final exam outlook may be, attempt to engage with these scammers masquerading as students offering you a false promise of exam success.

You didn’t work this hard just to throw it all away.

If you’re reading this and you’re in the last few weeks of your IB experience, congratulations.  You’ve made it through one of the most rigorous highschool curricula out there.  Now is not the time to panic and succumb to the temptation of finding out more about the alleged leaked IB final exams.

Not only are they mere speculation (according to the official IBO statement), but they’re a distraction from what truly matters:  studying for your IB exams and completing the IB Diploma with dignity and a sense of authentic academic achievement.

It goes without saying that cheating hurts us all.  It’s a lose-lose game.  Anyone who’s ever taken academic shortcuts will retrospectively say it wasn’t worth it.  What you save in time and effort you pay in knowledge and self-worth.

What’s worse, cheating on an official exam like the IB exams could land you in some serious legal issues.  In their official statement, the IBO stressed they, “have identified the source of this activity and are [...] hold(ing) those responsible accountable.” 

As a consequence of cheating on the final IB exams, “students may receive no marks for their examinations or no grade for the relevant subject, [...] no Diploma certificate will be awarded, and can also be banned from resitting any examinations.”

The bottom line: it’s simply not worth it.

Avoid distracting rumors, focus on studying.

If you’re really scared of failing, or not performing well on your IB exams, the best thing you can do is to ignore all of the noise about the IB exam leaks, and just concentrate on reviewing.

Your time and your money would be much better spent on buying official IB study guides, taking practice exams, or recruiting the tailored help of an expert IB tutor.

We’ve helped hundreds of struggling IB students turn around failing grades during even the most critical moments like IB finals.  We’ve also helped very ambitious students reach those straight sevens.  

Whatever situation you’re in, don’t underestimate the value of a personalized tutoring session.  We can help you identify exactly what you should review in order to maximize results in the least amount of time.  At the very least, it’ll be much more useful than sinking your precious time browsing reddit, investigating sketchy allegations of leaked IB final exams.

On that note, try your best to park this topic for now, get some quality rest, and focus on getting in some effective studying.

Good luck during your final IB exams and please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you’d like a little help boosting your scores.  You got this!


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